That's right. In bold. Where do I begin? I guess I should start at the start.
In fall of 2004, I wasn't doing much with my life. I recently graduated college, I was working for Atlas Home Improvements and The Window Doctor, I ate way too many burritos and drank far too many cans of Pepsi. And I watched TV all the time. I mean, all the time. That makes you look like an idiot. Ah, crap.
Now, if you know me or if you've been following/stalking my blog for a while, you know that I am obsessed with a few things: my forthcoming New Zealand adventure and The Lord of the Rings. I can see you all rolling your eyes now and thinking, "Here he goes with that shit again." Too bad. But because, I was/am obsessed with the world of Tolkien and anything that had anything to do with it, I followed the rabbit trail into the world of LOST because of Dominic Monaghan. He was a hobbit. Shut up.
Ladies, you still interested? Good. I thought so.
In the past day (and few hours) the LOST series has ended and has ended with a *poof*. People were expecting a *BANG* but when was the last time a TV series ended with one of those? Remember how pissed off everyone was when Seinfeld ended with a lousy clip show and they all went to prison or something? That was 200 episodes of nothing. A show that didn't make you think and didn't make you pay attention except for the The Betrayal episode

I'm glad that LOST ended the exact way it began: literally and figuratively: with Jack in the bamboo forest by himself. It's your own fault if you haven't seen the finale yet.
Now my good friend Nick has got a blog up about how much he disliked "The End" of LOST. We have watched the finale together twice since it has aired and neither of our opinions have changed. He wanted answers. I wanted resolution.
In these past six years, I've come to sympathize with almost all of the characters on one level or another at some point in time or another. Some of the characters I thought were just annoying, like Ana Lucia portrayed by
Funny how that works out, in'it?
In the past few years, I have been on more job interviews than I can shake a stick at. One of the questions that I seemingly always get asked (and one that really has no bearing on my ability to do a job and is really just flat out annoying -- take note fellow HR and Talent Acquisition gurus) is "How did you end up here?" The answer that I want to say is, "It couldn't matter less." What someone seems to want is a 20 second answer to an answer that would take years to answer: from the adventures that I had in Michigan, to the end of those adventures, to the first real heartbreak that I had in Nashville, to the first girl that I dated in Nashville which lead to the first real heartbreak I had in Nashville, to the trip across the Atlantic, to my job being eliminated, to the trip across the country, to being financially at rock bottom when the job with the new position you've accepted tells you that they don't have the money to pay you, to how you ended up delivering flowers, to everything in between. Really, does that sound like a clear and concise answer that can be summed up in two or three sentences? No. And I think that's why I liked it so much. It's that the details that got you to wherever you are in life don't matter as much as where you ended up. Sometimes, things don't make sense, even after you've after you've analyzed them to death. Like why you got your heart broken or why you really got your heart broken. Or why your job was eliminated "in order to create efficiencies". Or why the girl who works at the shop next door keeps calling you "one of her best guy friends". Or... You know... All the other minutia of life.
So really, it (life, LOST, whatever) comes down to one thing: what did you do with the time you were given? Did you make your world, your reality a bit of a better place? Did you run over everyone? Did you even know what was going on? Did you live the life you imagined? And that, my dear readers, is what matters. Are you living the live you've imagined? I don't mean doing what you want professionally. That doesn't mean a drop in the bucket compared to making sure your friends have beer during a flood; that doesn't matter compared a really good book you read; that doesn't matter compared to the road trip to the beach you took your sophomore year of college. It's the adventures that you have and the characters on your journey that you encounter that shape who you are and the story you are on.
And so, LOST, I want to thank you for being a small part of the past 6 years of my life. I think it's fair to say that quite a bit has changed in my life in that time. Yes, the girls. Yes, the trips. Yes, the jobs. Yes, the everything. Yes, the complete and total monopoly you've had on my one weeknight each Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever night you aired. But you were worth it.
LOST, In six years, you've lasted longer than any relationship I've had by 5 years and 5 months... I'm just glad I don't have to give you half my stuff. 'Cause really all that would be would be my collection of LOST and Futurama DVDs. And my Lord of the Rings things.
Thank you for the epic journey. It was worth it.
I started watching Lost last year and got caught up over the holidays. I was eagerly awaiting the final season. However, the season overall was pretty hit or miss, so it could make sense that the finale was hit or miss as well. I'm plagued by questions like, "Why didn't Locke kill Jack when he knocked him out with the rock?" and, "Why does Sayid wind up with annoying-bimbo-island-booty-call Shannon and not with his one true love Nadia?" and, "Where's Eko, Michael, and Walt? Are the writers racist?" But I've dealt with questions like those all season; I can handle them. But a purgatorial construct so that the gang can get back together again (which reminds me of 'Eternal Sunshine,' by the way)? Puh-leese! I'm not sure I can take that sappy notion (with the extended hugging scenes where everyone is happy and in soft focus like the end of 'Return of the King.').
ReplyDeleteI'd much rather believe that the entire sideways timeline that existed this season is really only Jack's creation -- the imagination of his dying mind at the end of the island timeline. The whole purpose of which is to finally get him to "let go" so that he can shed his mortal coil. Hence why he has a son -- so he can be the Dad his Dad never was (and reconcile with him in the end). And somehow special Desmond (by far my favorite character) is able to travel into Jack's controlling subconscious and finally bring about the circumstances that cause Jack to decide to let go, and thus playing with the themes of choice and destiny that have been present throughout the entire series in a much more interesting way than some purgatory love fest.
I appreciate your view, but perhaps the details matter a little too much to me.
I have very little to say about the LOST finale, but I have a million things running through my head about this "journey" you speak of. Cue music. Anyway, as I am not all that articulate with most of my thoughts, I'll just say the one that stands out the most. Thank you. I love what you said and how you said it. You made my day.